                                        Arc-Eyed Hawkfifish(Parachirrhites arcatus) is aperch-like fifish that likes to watchthe world go by on the reef.A fearless and grumpy GiantGrouper kept chasing other fifishaway from its hideout until it sawdivers coming. Watch how itchanges colour from sandy white tomottled spots in an attempt tocamouflflage itself but gave up whenit realised it was being approached.  Spontaneous coral spawning occursin an area at a specifific timedetermined by the corals' reaction tothe tide & water/current flflow. Onceone starts to spawn, it would triggera chain reaction for the rest of theother corals to spawn. I chancedupon this phenomenon at a pristinereef in Indonesia whilst diving off theluxurious Indo Aggressor liveaboard.Due to the remoteness of these reefsoff these islands, you can only getthere with Indo Aggressor's Bali -Komodo trips.12 of 24