by Pamela LimOne of the best non-diving pastime of mine isdabbling with gears and gadgets to improvise onmy existing dive gear setup as diving is nevercomplete without personalisation in improvisingyour own gear. I have devised my own flfloats formy camera arms due to the need of gearing up inPINK..................yes, it’s a statement of course, notabout being cute but about being practical. Divingin the days where black & blue were thepredominant colours of choice for wetsuits/BCD/masks/fifins/bags, girls were left with very limitedoptions to stand out from their masculineAndre ‘Snoopy’ Montenegro of Dumagueteintroduced me to his DIY contraption of fifixingstressed vision for age-challenged divers (likeme!) and he devised ‘Snoopy’s Eyes’ usingreading glasses, some rubber bands strapped tohis mask and he was able to see his cameraLCD screen again! Halelluia!!! I can say goodbyeto sticker lenses that don't stick well (and fog up)and retire my trusty magnifying glass extensionstuck in the cold shoe of my camera housing.Furthermore, the specs can be flflipped up whenyou don't need it!With just the 88 Pesos (US$1.68) readingglasses and silicon rubber bands from Daiso(total cost only 176 Pesos/US$3.36), I unscrewedcounterparts. After hounding (harassing) mywholesaler to let the equipment manufacturersknow that there is a growing market of femaledivers who are clamouring for colourful gear, myplea was fifinally heard when one by one, beganto roll out dive equipment with pink accent. Themore bold and daring ones are the surfequipment companies, designing wetsuits forsurfers. And as the colour palette grew, myinventory expanded but nothing beats your owningenuity even if you were inspired by someoneelse’s creation fifirst!and removed the temples (arms) of the specsand attached the silicone band to both sides andloop them around the mask strap. Voila! Andthose who suffer from presbyopia (⽼老老⽼老老⽼老老花) canfifinally see again!!! And you can have as manystyles of reading glasses as you want! Justdetach & reattach!!!Depending on where you are located & readingthis, the best places to fifind knick-knacks are inDaiso (Japanese chain store), ACE Hardware,Handyman (Philippines), Mr.DIY, LowYat Plaza(Malaysia), Sim Lim Square (Singapore) & Poya(Taiwan). Instructions on the next page.14 of 24GEARCREATION