Department of Environment and NaturalResources (DENR), shared her concern whenshe visited the municipality. As she said:“Before going to the island, I had little ideasabout the place. Balut island is situated far fromthe mainland, long traversing times making ithard to reach, not to mention the possible risksinvolved in the 9 hour journey. It was all worth itwhen we saw how beautiful the place was. Ihad concerns about how the local communitymight feel awkward about us as tourists. ThankGod my fears were unfounded and we had animmensely enjoyable trip. We had lots ofactivities like mountain climbing, island hoppingand caving. As a DENR personnel, I can’t helpbut take the initiative to check whether adestination has improper waste managementor damage coral reefs. As I have experiencedall of those activities, I suggested that themunicipality should have an extensive study oftheir place before it would open to the public.Local Government Unit (LGU) of Sarangani cancollaborate with the academe, DENR, andother concerned agencies. It should havepolicies that help protect and preserve theirnatural assets. In short, the place is really notready yet.”We have the same concern about the place. Ibelieve the LGU of Sarangani is aware of theseconcerns. Mayor Virginia Cawa also expressedthat she wants her municipality to be as naturalas it is. No big infrastructure to be constructed.No flflamboyant resorts. She wants to keep it aslaidback as it is.This year, they are drafting their tourism masterplan. This plan will help for the preparation ofthe place to be one of the prime destinations ofthe South. We hope that the upcoming projectsand programs for the municipality will be trulybenefificial for the locals of the islands. Theirmunicipality has so much to offer. If there areno proper management and protection of theirbest assets, it would be a matter of time beforethis paradise turns into another ruineddestination.Genory Vanz Alfasain aspires to be a scuba diver one day and shares his thoughts aboutsustainable development, current events, and pop culture in which he highlights success stories ofmodern day heroes to inspire his readers in hopes his writings would contribute change in the(Philippine) society.Dive Mindanao would be happy to surveyand feature your house reef’s inhabitants!If you would like us to partner with you,drop us an email and discuss thepossibilities of bringing our dive crew toyour establishment! 23 of 24